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Implant placement is the fastest growing discipline within dentistry. Whether you are missing a single tooth, have a loose fitting denture or are facing full mouth replacement, dental implants can truly transform your ability to chew and your confidence to smile.

Photo of dentists looking at digital imagery

The process involves the placement of a sterile titanium screw into the space left by the missing tooth followed by a period of healing, during which the surrounding bone grows tightly around the implant.


The implant is then used as a firm base for a crown or fixed bridge or transforming retention of a loose denture.


With the James Street team of surgeons and clinicians, who are continuously updating knowledge in this fast moving field of dentistry with postgraduate training both nationally and internationally, we are able to offer some of the highest success rates and at a reasonable cost.


If you would like to find out more, a consultation will determine the options open to you.


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